Sunday, March 21, 2010

God's Will, Fate.....and Pure Determination!

Today might just be one the best days of my life, okay, maybe one of the best of this year.....or this month. LOL! Somehow things seem to work themselves out. I had a major problem getting my visa for this trip, then raising the money for the ticket, although affordable, was such a struggle. I was about to call it quits when one of my colleagues gave me some encouragement. With my ticket money in hand I shimmied my tail down to that office and bought my ticket (with no extra Sudanese fees! miracle!)

I think planning a trip can be as exciting as the trip itself! Especially when you're already living in 3rd world conditions. It was quite an adventure and I'm so glad God allowed things to work out for me. So this Friday I'll be on my way to Cairo for five days, then off to Addis Ababa for five more. Talk about excited!

My wallet before the ticket purchase:

Me ubber excited:

My wallet after the ticket purchase:

Can you say BROKE!? Broke and TRULY content! :)

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